The end of my PhD
So my PhD is finally at an end. Yesterday I received the bound versions of my PhD. I used a binders called who did everything including printing and binding for a quite reasonable price - well reasonable considering the hassle that I avoided. The quality was pretty good, with thick paper and high resolution printing. It did though have a few pages with black scuff marks, but I do not think that will matter (well I hope not anyway).
At considerable expense I sent two copies to the research degress examination office via registered mail, so I know it as arrived. Lets just hope everything is ok.
Now all I have to do is find a way to distribute it to my supervisors!
At considerable expense I sent two copies to the research degress examination office via registered mail, so I know it as arrived. Lets just hope everything is ok.
Now all I have to do is find a way to distribute it to my supervisors!