Yesterday I submitted my thesis - brilliant! Just in time for Christmas, which is great because I can try and relax. All feels very strange ... but good. Bring on the viva!
As you may have guessed from the sudden numerous amount of postings, I think I am finally nearly finished with my thesis. I have got the approval of two of my supervisors and I am meeting my maths supervisor tomorrow to get some more corrections. If they are not too substantial I should have it done by the end of Saturday!!! Fingers crossed eh! Hopefully the 6 long working day week will soon be over and I can get myself a life again. For the last few days I have been kicking my heals waiting for my supervisor to finish reading the thesis. Not that I haven't been busy, I have been catching up on all the little things I should have done and that has been taking up all my time.
As you may have gathered, Alice and I are planning to move out of London. I will be sorry to see it go, but we plan to move to a place such that we can still come into town during the week. The two hour commute is really killing Alice and so we are now on the case. This weekend we had a good drive around looking at the areas and getting a good feel for them. There seems to be lots of possibilities which is very encouraging and we will start looking in earnest after Christmas. Now that I know where I will be placed it makes life a lot easier too.
Thanks to Alice's work a lot of the financial burden of moving has been lifted and they have a deal such that you can bye a house before you have sold yours, breaking the chain. So last week we had two surveyors round to value the property.
Today I accepted a post at the Institute of Cancer Research at Sutton. It was the first interview I had so that does make me feel positive about myself. Took a bit of time to make up my mind to take it though! It seems like a very interesting and good position. It should allow me to develop some new skills especially in stats and database management. It is also in a very convenient location. I should start mid-January. Bo!
Are you actively searching for areas where there is the remote possibility that you can afford a house? or just curious of what your neighbour paid for his house? If so the check out this website. Not only does it link in with the land registry database but it links in with google maps to provide a colour coded guide to the average prices of each road.
Very handy for us now that we are actively searching for property.
If you need to relax, set your browser to full screen and head over to the sky simulation. The speed can be altered by holding down the mouse and moving it up or down.