
Showing posts from August, 2013

Mirroring a website where you need to log in first

Mirroring a website where you need to log in first

I needed to make an complete offline copy of a website the other day but was having difficulties as you needed to login to the site to get the content.  Luckily, an firefox add-on plus the wonderful wget came to the rescue.

Export cookies ( is a firefox add-on that lets you export cookies in a format that wget understands.

So here is the procedure:
1) Log in to the website
2) Export the cookies into a cookies.txt file
3) Run wget
wget --load-cookies cookies.txt -mkEp
4) Hey-presto

This script works really in letting me scrobble to what I am listening to in google music.

This script works really in letting me scrobble to what I am listening to in google music.