
Showing posts from April, 2011

R: Make sure command output is piped to sink()

In an R script when using sink() to output the results of commands to a file you will often get a blank file whereas if you copy and paste the same command into the R shell it will work fine. There are two ways round this:
  1. Wrap all commands with the print() fucntion
  2. When sourcing the file make sure that echo is set to TRUE i.e. source("input.r", echo=TRUE)



"RStudio™ is a new integrated development environment (IDE) for R. RStudio combines an intuitive user interface with powerful coding tools to help you get the most out of R."

This is free and pretty great really. It does need some work though, especially making sure history and sessions are saved on a folder by folder basis and some vi key bindings would be nice.

Posted via email from danbrewer's posterous



The missing package manager for OS X

Homebrew is a smart alternative to macports and fink that attempts to use the libraries already in OS X where ever possible, so doesn't install a load of stuff you don't need. It seems to have all the unix type stuff I want so I am giving it a go.

Posted via email from danbrewer's posterous

TimeTracker - Monitor what files have been backed up in each time machine image


TimeTracker is a quick-and-dirty application that displays the contents of your Time Machine backups, and shows what's changed since the previous backup. TimeTracker is in an extremely early state, and is as such very unpolished (for example, it doesn't yet have an icon).

Posted via email from danbrewer's posterous

CyanogenMod 7 Brings Gingerbread, SMS Gestures, and Built-In Overclocking to Android


Works with Orange San Francisco too.

Posted via email from danbrewer's posterous