
Showing posts from August, 2010

Clinical trial confirms effectiveness of simple appetite control method

"Has the long-sought magic potion in society's "battle with the bulge" finally arrived? An appetite-control agent that requires no prescription, has no common side effects, and costs almost nothing? Scientists today reported results of a new clinical trial confirming that just two 8-ounce glasses of the stuff, taken before meals, enables people to shed pounds. The weight-loss elixir, they told the 240th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), is ordinary water."

Not really surprising is it.

Posted via email from danbrewer's posterous

We are running out of helium - New Scientist

According to a nobel prize winner, we will run out of helium in 25 years. That is shocking, I never realised that helium wasn't produced in abundance by some industrial process. Apparently, there is no chemical means to make helium and the supplies we have come from radioactive alpha decay in rocks.

Posted via email from danbrewer's posterous

An illustration of the Brewer Clan

Our friend Sarah did a marvellous illustration of us at the weekend. I think she captures the chaotic joyous nature of my clan really well. I really love her stuff and she is now really in demand which is great. Check out her blog and her books ... Morris is genius and is done with the "purple ronnie" chap.