I have been looking around for a way to get a list of recent tunes that I have been playing up on a website. There are a few on OS X, but nothing really satsfactory. I few days ago I came across
audioscrobbler. This is an external site that stores the information about what you are playing, and gives you weekly and all time charts of who you have been playing most. All you have to do is sign up, which is pretty anonymous not requiring an email address or anything, download a plugin for your media player and off you go. I have had much success with it.
Here is my page.
What I particularly like about it is that after it has stored over 100 tracks, it matches you with people that have similiar tastes and then recommends new bands you should listen to - nice! It actually works reasonably well.
On the output side, it has quite a few options, but I haven't worked out how to get it on my blog yet which doesn't have php or anything. Also got to work out how to get it on my webpage with album art!