Read this.
Originally shared by Simon Phipps
Read this. It has the breakthrough insight that DRM, filtering, blacklisting and the rest is actually the first stage in a war on general purpose computing. It's a war that's unwinnable because, like the "war on drugs", it's based on a false premise that to be true requires a completely different world.
The War on Computing can't be won by those who want to wage it, because we live in an age of networks, not an age of factories. In the process of waging that war - just as with the war on drugs - its proponents will corrupt and eventually destroy society and culture.
Read this. It has the breakthrough insight that DRM, filtering, blacklisting and the rest is actually the first stage in a war on general purpose computing. It's a war that's unwinnable because, like the "war on drugs", it's based on a false premise that to be true requires a completely different world.
The War on Computing can't be won by those who want to wage it, because we live in an age of networks, not an age of factories. In the process of waging that war - just as with the war on drugs - its proponents will corrupt and eventually destroy society and culture.