BBC 'to axe radio stations and halve website' in strategic review | Media | The Guardian

Mark Thompson

BBC director general Mark Thompson. Photograph: Richard Saker

The BBC plans to axe two radio ­stations – 6 Music and Asian Network – cut spending on imported shows and halve the size of its website, it is claimed today. The Times says the measures are part of the BBC's strategic review to be unveiled next month. Under the plan, the BBC intends to shrink overall services and focus more on quality over quantity. There have already been reports suggesting that the BBC will axe the digital radio stations 6 Music and Asian Network.

Arrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh. Don't do it. This may be a rumour but it is such bad news it makes me want to scream. What radio will I listen to if 6 music goes?

Andrew Collin's take.


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